Does foam rolling release your ITB?
“I’m going to foam roll my ITB to release it!” You hear this all the time but can you release your ITB? Firstly, your ITB
“I’m going to foam roll my ITB to release it!” You hear this all the time but can you release your ITB? Firstly, your ITB
Today we will examine some of the research on whether or not you can get stronger Hamstrings from sprint training. Now, you’ve probably heard
“I had one session with a physio and the exercises that they gave me made it worse so I’m not going back.” Ok, so this
“I want to get faster-sprinting speed, what exercises should I do?” So, people will often look at the muscles involved in sprinting and work on
“I couldn’t get into see my usual physio so I’ve had to book in with you.” Sounds innocent, doesn’t it? But this type of thinking
“I can’t squat because I have disc problems!” This is interesting because many people say this and have experienced pain when lifting but little do
“I’ve torn my ACL so I need surgery otherwise I will have long term knee problems!” So I have previously done videos on ACL tears
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More pain equals more damage, right? Well not always! Today we will look at an editorial in the BMJ called, “There is more to
“I have shoulder pain due to the excessive curvature in my mid-back!” So, this is often thought to be a potential risk factor in shoulder
“Sleep! I ain’t got no time for that! I have to train!” Sleep is often neglected in today’s society as we are always trying to
“I’m going to stretch my ITB as it’s tight!” Now, this exact sentence is said to me so frequently but is it tight or short
I like big butts and I cannot lie! Seriously though, is a ‘big butt’ an advantage for sprinters? Here they looked at the differences in
“My shoulder blade wings is this a problem?” The posh name for this is scapula dyskinesis, which is when the shoulder blade moves and sits
“I have torn my Rotator cuff so I won’t be able to lift up my arm.” I remember many years ago at university, being taught
“Tennis elbow! What can help me!” Tennis elbow is extremely common and people try many different things to help it to go away but does
“You can’t put needles in my jaw it’ll leak when I drink!” On a serious note jaw pain also known as Temporomandibular disorder (TMJ) is
“You’re pulling my leg, right?” Yes, today we are going to talk about mechanical traction, which is more pulling your back than your leg, really.
Migraines and headaches can be debilitating for many people and there are many treatments available, one of which is acupuncture. So does acupuncture help headaches
“I woke up with a bad neck, so I must have slept funny and injured my neck!” I hear this all the time and another
“You want to stick a needle into my Tennis elbow!” Ouch! Yes, some of the treatments for tennis elbow include sticking a needle into the
“Can you just stick some of that fancy tape on my neck, I see athletes with it on all the time?” This is kinesiology tape
“I’ve had a knee replacement and the physio is only doing exercise with me. Is the right?” It is very common for exercise only approaches
Put simply this is Physio done via either telephone or video over the internet. Skype and facetime are examples of this.
Contrary to popular belief online physiotherapy can be very effective and it can help the same injuries that face to face physio can help. I have helped many people with injuries such as disc prolapses, tennis elbow, neck pain and much more).