De Quervains Tenosynovitis treatment and rehabilitation exercises help video

This is an instructional video to correctly demonstrate De Quervains Tenosynovitis treatment and rehabilitation exercises help video

The content in this video is provided for general information purposes only and is not meant to replace a physiotherapy or medical consultation.

Step by Step

  1. This video’s aim is to help you if you are suffering with De Quervain’s tenosynovitis.
  2. De Quervain’s tenosynovitis is caused by inflammation of the tendons and the sheaths surrounding the tendons on the side of the wrist at the base of the thumb. These tendons include the extensor pollicis brevis and the abductor pollicis longus, which extend the joints of the thumb.
  3. Typically it occurs more in women than men and usually aged 30 - 50 years old.
  4. Pain is worst when using the hands, with activities such as gripping or twisting, and it is usually less painful when the hand is rested. However because it is an inflammatory condition you can get pain at rest also, especially after doing too much.
  5. There is often heat over the area and there is restricted movement of your thumb and/or wrist
  6. Often swelling can be around the thumb side of your wrist too.
  7. It is usually tender to touch in this area.
  8. De Quervain’s tendonitis can be diagnosed by your GP or physiotherapist from the presentation of your symptoms;
  9. Usually no further investigations are required
  10. However these tests may help you to self diagnose the problem:
  11. This test is limited and painful compared to the opposite side.
  12. This resisted test is also usually painful
  13. If all this fits your symptoms then you may have De Quervain’s tenosynovitis.
  14. What should I do?
  15. The most important thing is to rest from the aggravating activities, which is anything that causes pain during and after performing.
  16. Apply ice over the tendon. Always wrap the ice in a towel to avoid an ice burn
  17. Take a course of anti-inflammatories, unless you have been advised not to take these by your GP.
  18. Pain killers will help to control pain until it subsides. Take advice from your pharmacist
  19. A physiotherapist can help to put a tailored exercise program together for you
  20. A secondary effect of De Quervain’s tendonitis can be stiffness in the wrist joint so you should stretch this out as follows:
  21. Flexion
  22. With your elbow straight and your hand palm facing down, bend your wrist so that your fingers point towards the floor,
  23. Use your opposite hand to apply extra stretch.
  24. Hold for 30 secs and repeat.
  25. Extension
  26. With your elbow straight and your hand palm facing up, extend your wrist so that your fingers point towards the floor,
  27. Use your opposite hand to apply extra stretch.
  28. Hold for 30 secs.
  29. Next you need to stretch the tendon itself:
  30. Rest your forearm on a table with your thumb pointing up. Now put your thumb into your palm and close your fingers around it so it is in your fist.
  31. Now move your hand down leading with your little finger side until you feel a stretch.
  32. Hold for 30 secs and swap sides.
  33. All these stretches should be done little and often each day and they should be done only as hard as doesn’t worsen your pain after the stretch.
  34. Once you are settling down then you need to strengthen the area gradually
  35. You should start with no resistance and it needs to be painfree both during and after.
  36. As you strengthen the tendon you must advance to resistance but only if it pain free to do so.
  37. Ulna/radial deviation strengthening:
  38. Resting your forearm on a table and your hand palm side in, so your thumb is up. Slowly lower your hand at the wrist down towards the floor and then lift it back up towards the ceiling. The forearm shouldn’t move at all throughout.
  39. Repeat 10 times and swap arms if needed. A dumbbell can be used to add resistance when ready.
  40. If you get worsening symptoms or are unsure, then initially reduce the push into the discomfort and if this isn’t enough then stop altogether and consult your Physiotherapist
  41. Gradually you should hopefully notice increased flexibility and reduced pain generally.
  42. If things aren’t improving then you may need some physiotherapy treatment or even an injection.
  43. Remember injuries take time to recover and do so gradually so be patient there are no miracle cures.

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