Does caffeine affect muscle contraction?
“Get your pre-workout in bro!” So pre-workouts contain caffeine and often other stimulants. Caffeine improves your workouts by stimulating the nervous system but is this
“Get your pre-workout in bro!” So pre-workouts contain caffeine and often other stimulants. Caffeine improves your workouts by stimulating the nervous system but is this
“Turmeric! That’s the stuff you put in a curry, right?” Yes, it is but incredibly it has medicinal qualities too. It is all about the
“Vitamin D supplementation, that’s just for people with weak bones!” Is this true? Vitamin D is more than this, as low vitamin D levels have
We know the recommendations for protein per gram of protein per kilogram of body weight but these are from research done on people in general
We all know how good Creatine is for power and strength performance but how good is it for maintaining muscle size and strength when you
We all know that creatine is great for strength and power but did you know it may have other benefits too!
This video gives you all the information that you need about Vitamin D supplements.
There is loads of research on how much protein you need for optimal body composition but does this change as you get older?
This video gives you all the information that you need about Glucosamine supplements.
This video gives you all the information that you need about Creatine supplements.
This video gives you all the information that you need about 5-HTP supplements.
Here at Hawkes Physiotherapy we look at the whole picture and this includes nutrition and this is why we have our very own supplement range.
This video gives you all the information that you need about Beetroot supplements.
This video gives you all the information that you need about Turmeric supplements.
Beetroot is being used more and more by endurance athletes but why?
Put simply this is Physio done via either telephone or video over the internet. Skype and facetime are examples of this.
Contrary to popular belief online physiotherapy can be very effective and it can help the same injuries that face to face physio can help. I have helped many people with injuries such as disc prolapses, tennis elbow, neck pain and much more).