Plantar fasciitis treatment exercises video

This is an instructional video to correctly demonstrate Plantar fasciitis treatment exercises video

The content in this video is provided for general information purposes only and is not meant to replace a physiotherapy or medical consultation.

Step by Step

  1. This video’s aim is to help you if you are suffering with Plantar fasciitis.
  2. The plantar fascia is a tough and flexible band of tissue that runs under the sole of your foot. It connects the heel bone with the bones of your feet. It acts as a shock absorber for your feet.
  3. Plantar fasciitis occurs when the plantar fascia becomes damaged and inflamed.
  4. This can occur due to repetitive activities, e.g., jumping, running which can cause sudden damage to the area, or by gradual wear and tear of the area over time.
  5. Some of the main predispositions to getting plantar fasciitis are:
  6. Tight calves, rolling in or out of your feet, poor footwear, spending a lot of time on your feet and over training without enough recovery time.
  7. The symptoms are usually sharp pain under the foot, usually towards the heel
  8. Pain on walking and in particular on taking your first step in the morning.
  9. It is usually tender to touch in this area.
  10. You must rest the plantar fascia from the aggravating activities
  11. Self treatments include:
  12. Applying ice wrapped in a damp tea towel to the sole of your foot
  13. Take a course of anti-inflammatories, unless you have been advised not to take these by your GP.
  14. Pain killers will help to control pain until it subsides. Take advice from your pharmacist
  15. A physiotherapist can help to put a tailored exercise program together for you to stretch the muscles in the affected area
  16. But here are a few things that may help:
  17. Calf stretch
  18. To stretch the right leg
  19. Take a long stride forwards with your left leg, keep both of your feet pointing forwards. Now while keeping your back knee straight and your back heel in contact with the floor start to bend your front knee and lean your body forwards until you feel a stretch in your back leg’s calf.
  20. Plantar fascia stretch
  21. Sitting in a chair, prop your foot up on your opposite knee. Now take hold of your foot with both hands and pull the foot and toes up towards your shin.
  22. You should feel a stretch underneath your foot. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat little and often
  23. Rolling object under your foot
  24. It may also help if you roll your foot over a cylindrical object such as a rolling pin or a cool drink can whilst seated.
  25. This will cool the area but massaging it at the same time.
  26. Remember one of the other potential causes was foot posture.
  27. You can get trainers and insoles specific to your foot type and this may help.
  28. Obviously if you are unsure on this then your physiotherapist can guide you on correct footwear and insoles
  29. If you get worsening symptoms or are unsure, then initially reduce the push into the discomfort and if this isn’t enough then stop altogether and consult your Physiotherapist
  30. After several days you should hopefully notice increased flexibility and possibly reduced pain generally.
  31. Remember injuries take time to recover and do so gradually so be patient there are no miracle cures.
  32. Physiotherapists are trained to treat plantar fasciitis. They use evidence based techniques such as deep tissue friction massage, ultrasound, acupuncture and an exercise program which can help to settle symptoms and aid the healing process.

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