Calf raises with bent knees on a step

This video demonstrates the correct technique for Calf raises with bent knees on a step

The content in this video is provided for general information purposes only and is not meant to replace a physiotherapy or medical consultation.

Step by Step

  1. This exercise is a good exercise to strengthen and load the Calf and Achilles, especially the Soleus
  2. Like any exercise this should be pain free or shouldn’t increase existing pain levels, during, after and the next day.
  3. It is normal to feel some delayed onset muscle soreness between 48-72 hours but this should be manageable
  4. Stand on a step with you heels hanging off the edge.
  5. Hold onto something for stability
  6. Bend your knees to as close to 90 degrees as you can
  7. Next raise up onto your toes and then slowly lower back down till you get a stretch in the calves and repeat.
  8. When you are ready add a weight in your hand or in a rucksack and progress over time.
  9. Choose a resistance that is high for strengthening and is low for endurance.
  10. Perform 6- 10 repetitions and repeat for 3-5 sets in total for strength.
  11. For endurance you will need to do 15-25 repetitions and repeat for 3-5 sets.
  12. Rests need to be at least 3 minutes between sets for strength and no more than 30 seconds for endurance.
  13. You should aim to work either session 2 to 3 times per week once you have added resistance and you should slowly increase resistance levels as able

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