Straight leg fire hydrant

This video demonstrates the correct technique for a Straight leg fire hydrant, which is an advanced exercise to strengthen the Glutes. If this version of “fire hydrant” is too difficult then as always, here at Hawkes Physiotherapy, we also have an easier version that you can try:

Fire Hydrant.

Check out loads more bodyweight exercises and more here:


The content in this video is provided for general information purposes only and is not meant to replace a physiotherapy or medical consultation.

Step by Step

  1. This exercise is an advanced exercise to strengthen the Glutes
  2. Like any exercise this should be pain free or shouldn’t increase existing pain levels, during, after and the next day.
  3. It is normal to feel some delayed onset muscle soreness between 48-72 hours but this should be manageable
  4. In 4 point kneeling with your hands below your shoulders and your knees below your hips
  5. Your spine should be straight and stay this way throughout the exercise
  6. Straighten one knee and take this leg out to the side as close to 90 degrees hip abduction as you can
  7. Next slowly take the leg off the ground towards the ceiling, while keeping your knee straight
  8. Remember that you need to keep your back still throughout the exercise
  9. Once you are up as far as you can go then reverse direction back to the start position.
  10. Perform your full set this way and once completed then also perform this exercise the other way around
  11. You can make this harder by adding ankle weights
  12. For strengthening you should perform 6-10 reps to fatigue
  13. You should perform 3-5 sets with 3 minutes rests
  14. This session can be done 2-3 times per week
  15. For endurance you should perform 15-25 reps to fatigue
  16. You should perform 3-5 sets with no more than 30 second rests
  17. This session can be done 2-3 times per week

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