Slump Sciatic Neural Flossing Self Mobilisation

This is an instructional video to correctly demonstrate Slump Sciatic Neural Flossing Self Mobilisation. This is a common issue that can cause sciatica and it can be useful if this is the case but you should be sure of your diagnosis first, so it is advisable to have an assessment from a Physiotherapist first.

The content in this video is provided for general information purposes only and is not meant to replace a physiotherapy or medical consultation.

Step by Step

  1. This is a good exercise if you have issues with either tethering or shortening of your sciatic nerve. Obviously you first need to find out and rectify the origin cause of why the tension or tethering is there.
  2. Once the origin problem is resolved and you simply have a short or tethered nerve then this exercise can help
  3. Like any exercise you should only do the exercise if it is pain free during, after and the next day. The most that you should feel is a stretch sensation.
  4. This is especially important with a nerve. If you are unsure then stop and consult your Physiotherapist. This exercise should never make symptoms worse, so if it is then stop immediately as the exercise may be wrong for you.
  5. Sitting on the edge of a bed, take your chin down to your chest,
  6. Round your upper back and then your lower back to you are slouching severely.
  7. Next pull your toes and foot up towards your shin on one leg and then slowly start to straighten your knee until you feel a light stretch.
  8. As you perform this movement you need to simultaneously sit up straight
  9. Once you reach this position, slowly bend the knee to take the stretch off and return to the slumped posture.
  10. Now repeat the movement slowly for 20-30 seconds
  11. You should aim to do this 2-3 times daily.
  12. It may take several months to actually lengthen the nerve significantly, so be patient.

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