Neck pain relief exercises help video

This is an instructional video to correctly demonstrate Neck pain relief exercises help video

The content in this video is provided for general information purposes only and is not meant to replace a physiotherapy or medical consultation.

Step by Step

  1. This video’s aim is to help you if you are suffering with neck pain.
  2. If your pain is confined to the neck, goes no further than the tips of your shoulders and you have no pins and needles or numbness then this set of exercises should help you.
  3. These exercises should be pushed into discomfort while performing them but should generally make you feel better and looser afterwards.
  4. If you get worsening symptoms or are unsure, then initially reduce the push into the discomfort and if this isn’t enough then stop altogether and consult your Physiotherapist
  5. The first exercise is neck flexion
  6. Tuck your chin in and bend your neck forwards and down into your chest as far as you can, then hold for 20 seconds.
  7. The next exercise is Neck extensions
  8. Tuck in your chin and slowly lift your head backwards to look upwards. During the movement, gradually let your chin untuck and let it out to the full extent, hold this position for 5 seconds.
  9. Next Neck rotations
  10. Turn your head to look over your right shoulder and hold for 20 seconds and then do the same for the opposite side.
  11. Next Neck side flexions
  12. Tilt your head to bring your right ear to your right shoulder, keep your face looking forwards throughout the movement and don’t let your left shoulder rise up. Hold this position for 20 seconds and the repeat for the opposite side.
  13. Finally neck retractions
  14. Tuck your chin in by gliding your head backwards, don’t tip your head back or forwards. At the furthest back position hold for 5 seconds then relax to the neutral position and repeat 10 times.
  15. All of these exercises need to be done at least 3 times each day. Ideally little and often.
  16. After several days you should hopefully notice increased flexibility and possibly reduced pain generally.
  17. Remember injuries take time to recover and do so gradually so be patient there are no miracle cures.

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Online Physiotherapy

Put simply this is Physio done via either telephone or video over the internet. Skype and facetime are examples of this.

Contrary to popular belief online physiotherapy can be very effective and it can help the same injuries that face to face physio can help. I have helped many people with injuries such as disc prolapses, tennis elbow, neck pain and much more).