Mckenzie Lumbar repeated side glides

This is an instructional video to correctly demonstrate Mckenzie Lumbar repeated side glides. This is a commonly linked to issues that can cause sciatica and it can be useful if this is the case but you should be sure of your diagnosis first, so it is advisable to have an assessment from a Physiotherapist first. In fact, disc issues are the most common injury that we see at Hawkes Physiotherapy!

The content in this video is provided for general information purposes only and is not meant to replace a physiotherapy or medical consultation.

Step by Step

  1. This is a good exercise for a lateral derangement or a lateral disc prolapse in the lumbar spine. This type of problem can cause lower back and buttock pain. If the prolapse is severe then the pain can also go down your leg or legs. Commonly you can get what is called a lateral shift, which is when you shift your shoulders to one side creating a side to side curvature of the spine.
  2. It comes from the Mckenzie assessment and treatment philosophy
  3. Undertaking this exercise you need to have been assessed by a physiotherapist who is Mckenzie trained as doing this exercise for the wrong problem can make things worse.
  4. This exercise is all about post exercise symptom relief or what is known as centralisation, which is when the symptoms move away from the periphery and closer to the mid line of the lower back.
  5. If your symptoms increase more peripherally after performing this exercise then you must immediately cease the exercise and consult your physiotherapist.
  6. Also if you any cauda equina symptoms, which include bladder and bowel incontinence, retention, urgency and saddle area numbness then this exercise isn’t right for you and you need to see your physio or doctor as soon as possible
  7. If you are unsure then don’t perform the exercise until you have seen your physio or a doctor.
  8. Standing with your arm out to the side and your elbow bent to 90 degrees on the non problem side. Rest your forearm against the wall
  9. Next move your hips towards the wall as far as you can and then relax out of the position.
  10. Perform 10 repetitions as far as you can on each repetition. It can bring on worse symptoms during as long as afterwards the symptoms either lessen or centralise.
  11. The frequency that you should do depends on whether your symptoms or above the knee or below the knee.
  12. For above the knee you should do 10 reps every 2-3 hours
  13. For below the knee you should do 10 reps every hour.
  14. When your symptoms move to the midline of your back then you may need to change the exercise to Mckenzie repeated extensions in lying but you should consult your physio before doing this.
  15. Remember this video is more of a technique guide so make sure that you have been assessed and recommended this exercise first.

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Online Physiotherapy

Put simply this is Physio done via either telephone or video over the internet. Skype and facetime are examples of this.

Contrary to popular belief online physiotherapy can be very effective and it can help the same injuries that face to face physio can help. I have helped many people with injuries such as disc prolapses, tennis elbow, neck pain and much more).