Blogging is nothing new to us here at Hawkes Physiotherapy. We have had a stand alone blog for many years and it has been very successful.
Some of our articles have had nearly 15,000 views! So why have we switched our blog to here? We wanted everything in one place, a one stop shop, so to speak.
Brand new articles!
We are going to be producing lots on brand new content on here, covering lots of areas of health, fitness and injury. So stay tuned!
Updated content!
Medicine is ever evolving and updating, with new research being published all the time. Our old blog has lots of content but some of it is getting a little older now. Due to this we are going to be updating it on here with the latest thinking and evidence.
We are going to be covering lots!
We will do our best to cover as many topics as possible. We will be covering specific injuries and conditions, injury prevention, specific treatments and how they may help you.
Please leave us comments and if you want us to cover anything specific in the future then let us know.
Happy reading!
If you need any further information or would like to book an appointment then call Hawkes Physiotherapy on 01782 771861 or 07866 195914.
The content in this blog article is provided for general information purposes only and is not meant to replace a physiotherapy or medical consultation.