Wall Squats

This is an instructional video to correctly demonstrate Wall Squats

The content in this video is provided for general information purposes only and is not meant to replace a physiotherapy or medical consultation.

Step by Step

  1. This is a good exercise for knee rehabilitation and is often a great start point especially if you can’t tolerate normal squats at present.
  2. It works practically every lower limb muscle and is relatively functional.
  3. The aim is to progress this exercise until you can do a normal squat. Like any strengthening exercise you should only do the exercise if it is pain free during, after and the next day. And you should be choosing a range or resistance that enables this.
  4. Now with a wall squat you can do it either directly against a wall or using a swiss ball
  5. If you are using a swiss ball then place the ball between the wall and your lower back. This will be the starting position.
  6. Have your feet hip width apart and place your feet a foot or two ahead of you. Depending on how tall you are, you may need to step forward even more. Like a normal squat at the lowest point your knees should never pass the front of your toes
  7. Now slowly squat down by sliding down the wall. Only go down as far as you can comfortably manage.
  8. Next slowly stand up to reach your starting position.
  9. One way to advance the exercise is to increase the depth of the squat and once you reach 90 degrees at the knee then you can slowly add resistance.
  10. Choose a resistance that is high for strengthening and is low for endurance.
  11. Perform 6- 10 repetitions for each side and repeat for 3-5 sets in total for strength.
  12. For endurance you will need to do 15-25 repetitions for each side and repeat for 3-5 sets.
  13. Rests need to be 3 minutes between sets for strength and no more than 30 seconds for endurance.
  14. You should aim to work either session 2 to 3 times per week once you have added resistance and once you have full range and good resistance levels without any problems you may be ready to try a normal squat.

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