Golfer’s Elbow help video

This is an instructional video to correctly demonstrate Golfer’s Elbow treatment and rehabilitation exercises help video

The content in this video is provided for general information purposes only and is not meant to replace a physiotherapy or medical consultation.

Step by Step

  1. This video’s aim is to help you if you are suffering with Golfer’s elbow.
  2. If you get pain when you grip, when you push down on your hand as follows and get pain on this stretch then you may have golfer’s elbow.
  3. You should also note tenderness when you press this spot on your elbow.
  4. If this fits then then this video should help you.
  5. A secondary effect of golfer’s elbow is stiffness and pain in the elbow joint so you should stretch this out as follows:
  6. Flexion
  7. With your elbow by your side and palm facing up, bend your elbow to bring your hand closer to your shoulder.
  8. Now use your opposite hand to push it for more of a stretch.
  9. Hold for 30 secs and swap sides if needed
  10. Extension
  11. Rest your elbow on the edge of a table with a towel under you elbow.
  12. Straighten it out till it is fully straight.
  13. Now use your opposite hand to apply an extra stretch. Hold for 30 secs and swap sides if needed
  14. Pronation & Supination
  15. With your arms by your side and your elbows bend at 90 degrees, interlink your fingers in front of you with your thumbs on the top. Now twist your hands so that your thumbs are pointing to the right hold for 30 secs and then twist until they are pointing to the left and hold for a further 30 secs.
  16. Next you need to stretch the forearm and the tendon itself
  17. With your elbow straight and your hand, palm facing up, bend your wrist so that your fingers point towards the floor,
  18. Use your opposite hand to apply extra stretch.
  19. Hold for 30 secs and then swap sides if needed
  20. You should do these exercises at least 3 times a day or ideally little and often.
  21. You should try to avoid activities that irritate the area and increase your pain
  22. Once you are settling down then you need to strengthen the area gradually
  23. Holding a light weight in your hand with your forearm resting on a table and your hand palm side up. Slowly lower the dumbbell down towards the floor and then lift it back up towards the ceiling. The forearm shouldn’t move at all throughout and it should be pain free. Repeat 8 times and swap arms if needed.
  24. As you get stronger you must advance the resistance level gradually but you can only advance if it is pain free to do so.
  25. If you get worsening symptoms or are unsure, then initially reduce the push into the discomfort and if this isn’t enough then stop altogether and consult your Physiotherapist
  26. After several days you should hopefully notice increased flexibility and possibly reduced pain generally.
  27. Remember injuries take time to recover and do so gradually so be patient there are no miracle cures.

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