This is an instructional video to correctly demonstrate Brock shuffle twist press up. This is a great press up variation, which works your upper body, core and lower body. We have many more variations of press up on our exercise page.
This is an instructional video to correctly demonstrate Brock shuffle twist press up. This is a great press up variation, which works your upper body, core and lower body. We have many more variations of press up on our exercise page.
The content in this video is provided for general information purposes only and is not meant to replace a physiotherapy or medical consultation.
Put simply this is Physio done via either telephone or video over the internet. Skype and facetime are examples of this.
Contrary to popular belief online physiotherapy can be very effective and it can help the same injuries that face to face physio can help. I have helped many people with injuries such as disc prolapses, tennis elbow, neck pain and much more).