So, we are all currently stuck at home worldwide and the gyms are closed, so how do we get a good workout at home with minimal to no equipment?
That’s what this video can help with.
Now it is worth saying that everyone’s abilities and goals and time will vary so this is not an individualised program but more of a rough home exercise guide with some ideas and video demonstrations.
For this, I would highly recommend Samien fitness in Stoke. They are currently doing lots of online personal training with their members and they can specifically tailor a program specific to your needs.
Like I said before goals can vary so generally speaking these are the rough parameters for common goals:
6- 10 reps (choosing a resistance or exercise that is close to failure somewhere in this repetition range)
3-5 sets with 3-5 minutes rest between sets.
You should train each exercise between 1-2 times per week as a guide
Hypertrophy (muscle building):
6- 30 reps (choosing a resistance or exercise that is close to failure somewhere in this repetition range)
3-5 sets with 1-3 minutes rest between sets.
You should train each exercise between 2-3 times per week as a guide
Muscular endurance:
15- 25+ reps (choosing a resistance or exercise that is close to failure somewhere in this repetition range)
3-5 sets with less than 30 seconds rest between sets.
You should train each exercise between 2-3 times per week as a guide
So as a rough guide we will keep things simple and have a variety of body areas to target throughout your entire body.
Remember we have hundreds more exercise to choose from on our exercise page on the website. Here you can filter your exercise search to choose either easy, intermediate or hard. You can also search for exercises that you can do at home and you can choose by body part. What is useful to know is that bodyweight exercises can be just as tough as weights. For example, a conventional press up has been measured at 64% bodyweight equivalent so if you weighed 100kg then a standard press-up is like doing a flat bench press of 64kg! (Ebben et al 2011).
Exercise idea 1:
Pike press up
Exercise idea 2:
Pancake Press up
Exercise idea 3:
Archer Press up:
Exercise idea 4:
Exercise band Shoulder lateral raises
Exercise idea 5:
Exercise band Tricep kick backs
Exercise idea 6:
Exercise band Facepulls
Exercise idea 7:
Side plank off the bottom leg
Exercise idea 8:
Copenhagen Adductor Sideplank with leg drivers
Exercise idea 9:
Standing Banded marches Hip flexor strengthening
Exercise idea 10:
Swiss ball single leg hamstring curls with opposite knee lifts
Exercise idea 11:
Single leg bridge
Exercise idea 12:
Reverse Nordic Curls
Exercise idea 13:
Single leg calf raises on a step
Exercise idea 14:
Sissy squat
Exercise idea 15:
Exercise band Lat pulldowns
Exercise idea 16:
Exercise band reverse flys
Exercise idea 17:
Exercise band Bicep curls
Exercise idea 18:
The Swimmer exercise: Butterfly version
Exercise idea 19:
Exercise band shrugs
Exercise idea 20:
Cable / exercise band trunk rotations
So, remember this is a selection of ideas but there are literally hundreds more to choose from:
If you need any further information or would like to book an appointment then call Hawkes Physiotherapy on 01782 771861 or 07866 195914.
The content in this blog article is provided for general information purposes only and is not meant to replace a physiotherapy or medical consultation.